I wonder how this problem might be solved. Lucien Dodge is the English dub voice of Felix in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and Yuichi Jose is the Japanese voice. こう見えて熱い男、フェリクスとの会話です。 #FE風花雪月 /gqDVTaV5OBįire Emblem: Three Houses will be launching for Nintendo Switch in July 2019. When one professor lectures many students, some will inevitably have trouble keeping up, while others will get too far ahead in their studies. – He tries to acts like a sharp-tongued lone wolf, and he is devoted to honing his skill in the sword, so much that he will challenge any strong person he meets to a duel immediately. – He calls his childhood friend Dimitri “boar”, and is hard to approach. Learn Best Character to Recruit Here Find out all you need to know about Felix From Black Eagles, found in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

– A member of the Blue Lions, and the eldest son of the House of Duke Fraldarius. Like the previous character showcases, this new feature details Felix’s voice actor & character, as well as screenshots and video of him in-game.

The official Fire Emblem Twitter account has published a new character feature on Felix, a skilled swordsman attending the Officer’s Academy in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.